Friday, February 24, 2006

Entertainment Update: next Tuesday is going to be rather on the hectic side

I did indeed get tickets to see Spamalot; I ordered the tickets through a website that has a special option for acquiring wheelchair-accessible seating. I won't have to try to maneuver balcony steps in the dark with a walker and struggle over other people to get to a seat in the middle of a row. I am very excited about this.

Brian also received a message from a gentleman named Brad from The Late Show with David Letterman. So Brian asked me to call the number (Brian is not really able to take calls while at work) and suggested I have Google ready when Brad calls back because getting tickets involves answering a trivia question.

I called and left a message, and blurted something about next week being my honeymoon (it doesn't hurt to provide human interest...or to wheedle, as the case may be). Brad actually did call back regarding the Late Show tickets, the end result of the conversation being...Brian and I will be in the audience at The Late Show with David Letterman on the same day we are going to see Spamalot ! Set yo' VCRs, my peeps.

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